
Call for Abstracts
Session B 08: Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Northern Watersheds:
Current Status and Response to Climate Change
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2006 Fall Meeting
11-15 December 2006
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Friday, 1 September 2006 (mail)
Thursday, 7 September 2006 (online)

For further information, please go to:…

You are invited to submit an abstract to the following special session
at this year's American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting:

Session B 08: Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of Northern Watersheds:
Current Status and Response to Climate Change

Subarctic and arctic watersheds are undergoing dramatic change in
response to climate warming. There is a need for characterization of
existing hydrologic and biogeochemical conditions and for quantification
of change that is occurring in carbon, nutrient, and other elemental
cycling at site to basin scales. Organizers invite presentations that
address watershed hydrology, biogeochemical processing, and elemental
transfer along the terrestrial-freshwater-estuarine continuum in
subarctic and arctic basins.

Robert G. Striegl
USGS National Research Program
Phone: 303 236-4993
E-mail: rstriegl [at]

George R. Aiken
USGS National Research Program
Phone: 303 541-3036
E-mail: graiken [at]

Paul F. Schuster
USGS National Research Program
Phone: 303 541-3052
E-mail: pschuste [at]