
Call for Abstracts
Session C 16: Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice: Observed Changes and
Development of Integrated Data Products
American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2006 Fall Meeting
11-15 December 2006
San Francisco, California

Abstract Submission Deadlines:
Friday, 1 September 2006 (mail)
Thursday, 7 September 2006 (online)

For further information, please go to:

You are invited to submit an abstract to the following special session
at this year's American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting:

Session C 16: Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice: Observed Changes and
Development of Integrated Data Products

Session Description:
Ongoing remote sensing programs, observational programs, and modeling
studies have the objective of improving our understanding of the ice
thickness distribution in both polar regions. However, there are many
questions about how field data are best used for satellite validation
and what additional observation programs are needed to verify, validate,
and provide error bounds on satellite data. Similarly, what are the best
data for model validation and improvement?

The objective of this session will be to explore opportunities for
improving the synthesis of arctic and Antarctic field data to generate
products and opportunities for improving satellite and model products.
Organizers therefore welcome contributions to this session on: analyses
of the current state of the arctic and Antarctic sea ice zones and
recent observed changes; advances and results from in situ observing
platforms, near surface air and ocean-based autonomous systems and
satellite-based instrumentation (especially radar and laser altimetry);
and projects focused on synthesizing in situ data to create products
useful to the modeling and remote sensing communities and/or proposals
for systematic monitoring programs within the sea ice zones of both
polar regions.

Tony Worby
Australian Antarctic Division
Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
E-mail: a.worby [at]

Jackie Richter-Menge
Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory
E-mail: Jacqueline.A.Richter-Menge [at]