
Meeting Announcement
Forum on Sustainable Development of the Arctic Countries and Northern
Regions of the Russian Federation in the Context of Education, Science,
and Culture
24-25 July 2006
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation

For further information, please contact:
Vladimir Vasiliev
E-mail: vnvasiliev [at]

You are invited to attend the Forum on Sustainable Development of the
Arctic Countries and Northern Regions of the Russian Federation in the
Context of Education, Science, and Culture, which will be held on 24-25
July 2006 in Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russian Federation. The UNESCO
Director General Koichiro Matsuura will participate in the forum. The
forum languages will be Russian and English.

The goal of the forum is to define a new strategy and policy concerning
culture, education, science, and information technology for arctic
countries and the northern regions of the Russian Federation under the
auspices of UNESCO (with participation of the Arctic Council and the
Northern Forum). The aim is to preserve biological and cultural
diversity as a basis for the sustainable development under conditions of

You are invited to submit an abstract for the forum. Abstracts should be
sent by 10 July 2006 to:
Zakharova Agafya Yeremeevna
E-mail: otdelolonho [at]