
Undergraduate Opportunities
Arctic Terrestrial Ecology (AB-201) and Arctic Marine Biology (AB-202)
University Centre in Svalbard

For further information, please go to:

The University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS;, has
openings available for students in two undergraduate biology courses,
Arctic Terrestrial Ecology (AB-201) and Arctic Marine Biology (AB-202),
this autumn. These courses are structured so that students can take both
during the autumn semester. All teaching is in English and international
students are welcome.
The objective of the Arctic Terrestrial Ecology course is to introduce
the structure and function of arctic terrestrial and fresh water
biological communities by focusing on the diversity of adaptations among
organisms within a community and their interactions, both within and
between trophic levels. The course will give a thorough background for
understanding environmental problems in terrestrial and limnic

The objective of the Arctic Marine Biology course is to provide an
introduction to marine arctic plants and animals and their adaptations
to the environment. The course will convey an understanding of how
marine ecosystems are built up and how they function, as a background
for better conservation policies for these systems.

Detailed information on both courses is available on the UNIS website:

UNIS provides high quality courses in arctic subjects (biology,
geophysics, geology, and technology) to supplement teaching at the
students' home institution and provides students with an exciting
opportunity for firsthand experience and investigation in the high
Arctic. Courses include a large fieldwork component to clearly
illustrate arctic conditions (UNIS is located at 78 degrees north on the
arctic archipelago of Svalbard, also commonly known as
Spitsbergen). Autumn courses begin in early August.
Funding from the European Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of
University Students (ERASMUS) Programme is often used to enable
international students to attend courses at UNIS. The UNIS study advisor
can provide further information:
Jan Gunnar Brattli
E-mail: studadm [at]
Phone: 00 47 79 02 33 00