
New Video Available
"Polar Bears: A Guide to Safety"
Safety in Bear Country Society (SIBCS)
Price: $79.00 USD

The video is available online at:…

The Safety in Bear Country Society (SIBCS) is pleased to announce the
release of their fourth program in the Safety in Bear Country video
series, "Polar Bears: A Guide to Safety." This program contains
important information on how people can reduce their chance of
encountering a polar bear and how to best respond if they do meet a
bear. Inuktitut and French language versions will soon be available.

"Polar Bears: A Guide to Safety" was a collaborative effort lead by the
SIBCS. Many people contributed their knowledge about polar bears and
safety, including Inuit elders, polar bear hunters, other northern
residents, research scientists, wildlife managers, and bear viewing
operators. Corporate and government sources provided funding for the
video. The major financial sponsors were the Government of Nunavut
Department of Environment, Parks Canada, Government of Canada Habitat
Stewardship Program, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, and Devon
Canada Corporation. Other corporate and government contributors provided
important financial contributions, services in kind, or valuable video

"Polar Bears: a Guide to Safety" and other SIBCS safety videos (Staying
Safe in Bear Country, Working in Bear Country, and Living in Bear
Country) are available in DVD or VHF formats from:
Distribution Access
URL: (click "educational media
resources" and do a "quick search" for polar bear)
E-mail: sales [at]
Phone (toll-free): 888-440-4640

For more information on Safety in Bear Country Society programs, please
see the Distribution Access website or contact:
Grant MacHutchon, SIBCS
Phone: 250-339-5260
E-mail: machutch [at]