
National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs
Antarctic New Investigators Workshop
21-22 August 2006

Dear Colleague:

A workshop will be held 21-22 August 2006 at the National Science
Foundation (NSF) for scientists who have never been a Principal
Investigator or a Co-Principal Investigator on an award in the U.S.
Antarctic Program. Staff of NSF's Office of Polar Programs (OPP) will
- Opportunities for NSF support of Antarctic research and education,
including opportunities for the International Polar Year (IPY)
- NSF's field program for operational support of Antarctic research
- Proposal preparation and proposal review criteria
- NSF policies and other funding programs

The workshop will include presentations and opportunities to meet with
NSF program officers who are responsible for science and logistical
operations in the Antarctic.

Attendance will be by invitation only and limited to researchers who
have not been a Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on
an NSF/OPP Antarctic research grant and who are, or will be, eligible to
apply for an NSF Antarctic research grant by the June 2007 proposal
deadline for NSF Antarctic Research. Ph.D. candidates within 1 year of
graduation, postdoctoral fellows, and new faculty are particularly
encouraged to apply. Airline tickets for attendance at the workshop will
be provided to a limited number of applicants who meet the requirements
described below. All participants will assume the cost of meals and

Carefully review the description of the NSF Antarctic Research Program
(NSF 06-549) at:

If you are interested in pursuing scientific research in the Antarctic,
send a letter to newinvestigator [at] , by midnight, EDT, 30 June
2006. In one page or less, list your name, contact information, and your
current academic status, including your graduation date (if applicable).
Also summarize your general research interests, and your research
plans. State whether or not you are requesting an airline ticket, your
airport of origin, and your requested destination (Baltimore-Washington,
Reagan National, or Washington-Dulles).

If you have questions, please contact:
Dr. Marie Bundy
Office of Polar Programs
E-mail: mbundy [at]

Requests for information about the workshop may also be sent to
newinvestigator [at]

For more information, see:
"Application and Workshop Attendance Information"

"Tentative Workshop Agenda"


Scott Borg
Antarctic Sciences Section
Office of Polar Programs