
North Pole Sea Ice Video Available Online

This short video is available online at: (search for "north pole")

Dear ArcticInfo Subscribers,

Thanks to my teenage son, I've learned how to post a short video clip to
the youth-friendly universe of

I uploaded a clip there showing a ridge rising in the sea ice near the
North Pole science camp established each spring by a University of
Washington team led by Jamie Morison. In the clip, the chugging, huffing
sound of colliding ice floes is deafening.

Tim Stanton, a polar oceanographer from the Naval Postgraduate School,
explains what is causing the sea ice beneath our feet to crack. It's
fun, wacky, and fascinating, and my hope is that it will draw young
people to ponder the fast-changing Arctic.

I encourage folks to visit the world, plug "north pole"
into the search box and then forward the item to friends, students, and
kids, as a way to boost interest in the northernmost place.


Andy Revkin
The New York Times
Phone: 212-556-7326
E-mail: revkin [at]

Further information on global warming and the Arctic can be found on the
New York Times website: