
Ph.D. Position
Landscape Patterns of Soil Organic Matter Quantity and Lability in
Permafrost Regions
Reference Number 463-48-06
Stockholm University

Application Deadline: Thursday, 15 June 2006

Further information about the position may be obtained from:
Professor Peter Kuhry
Phone: +46 8 164806
E-mail: peter.kuhry [at]

Stockholm University hereby announces a Ph.D. position in geography at
the Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology.

The successful candidate will work in the project "Landscape Patterns of
Soil Organic Matter Quantity and Lability in Permafrost Regions", with
funding from a Faculty studentship, the Swedish Research Council (VR),
and the European Commission (CARBO-North project).

High latitude terrestrial ecosystems contain a very large soil organic
carbon pool. A large proportion of this stock is located in permafrost
grounds. The organic-rich soils in permafrost regions have been
identified as a key vulnerable carbon pool in the Earth System. High
northern latitudes are expected to experience much greater warming than
the global average. This will result in thawing of previously frozen
grounds and might cause positive feedbacks on global warming due to the
release of greenhouse gases. However, great uncertainties remain
regarding total pool of stored carbon, as well as partitioning between
permafrost and non-permafrost terrains and between active layer and
perennially frozen horizons. There is poor understanding about how
permafrost conditions affect soil organic matter (SOM) chemistry and
susceptibility for decay. This project aims at assessing spatial
patterns of SOM allocation and chemistry in permafrost regions of
Central Canada and Northern Europe (including Western Russia). This
knowledge is critical to assess possible large-scale remobilization of
the northern soil carbon pool under global warming and permafrost

Specific goals include:
- Landscape analysis of SOM quantity along ecoclimatic, topographic, and
edaphic gradients using statistical approaches
- Assessment of the susceptibility to decay of SOM using and testing a
hierarchy of increasingly sophisticated geochemical techniques
- Comparison of SOM lability between permafrost and non-permafrost
- GIS-upscaling of SOM pools based on landscape analyses and regional
land cover and/or soil classification schemes

The four-year Ph.D. program includes roughly three years of research and
one year of course work. The position may be extended by up to one year
if up to 20% teaching assistance, research, or administration is
included in the contract. The position includes a first-year stipend of
about 14.900 SEK (2,100 USD) per month. Upon satisfactory progress, the
Ph.D. student will, after application, get a Ph.D. employment from the
second year onward with a starting salary of about 19.400 SEK (2,700
USD) per month. Travel, field, and analytical costs are paid for by
separate grants. The start of this Ph.D. project is conditional to final
confirmation of external funds. The starting date is planned for 1 July
or 1 August 2006.

Candidates should have obtained an M.Sc. or equivalent in earth or
environmental sciences by the application deadline. Preference will be
given to those with experience in landscape level ecosystem assessments,
soil and permafrost science, and geochemistry. Experience in GIS/Remote
Sensing and statistical methods as well as potential/proven ability to
publish in English in peer-reviewed journals is meriting. Candidates
must be self motivated and enthusiastic about field work in remote

Applications (labelled "Utbildningsbidrag 463-48-06"), including
letter of interest, curriculum vitae, copies of degrees and transcripts
of academic records (all attested), a list of at least three references
familiar with the applicant's qualifications, and any other relevant
documents (e.g., Master Thesis), must arrive at the following address no
later than Thursday, 15 June 2006:
Stockholm University
Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology
Attention: Petra Geltner
SE-106 91 Stockholm

Further information about the position may be obtained from:
Professor Peter Kuhry
Phone: +46 8 164806
E-mail: peter.kuhry [at]