
Workshop Report Released
International Polar Year Data Management

The workshop report is available online at:

A report that compiles recommendations from a data management workshop
for the International Polar Year (IPY) is now available.

NSIDC and the IPY Programme Office hosted the data management workshop
at the the British Antarctic Survey in Cambridge, England, on 3-4 March
2006. More than forty participants from thirteen countries participated
in the workshop, which followed the first meeting of the IPY Data Policy
and Management Subcommittee.

Participants developed specific recommendations on engaging archives,
data discovery and access methods, standards and interoperability, and
ways to ensure that all IPY data are captured and readily available.
Workshop participants aimed to develop an implementation plan for the
IPY Data and Information Service (IPYDIS).

A final workshop report, Glaciological Data Report 33, is now available

For additional information and follow-up details from the meeting, see
the workshop website:

The International Polar Year is a period dedicated to intense
interdisciplinary study of Earth's polar regions. To ensure that
researchers may study both polar regions in summer and winter, the
period will run from March 2007 through March 2009.

IPY is co-sponsored by the International Council of Science and the
World Meteorological Organization. For more information about IPY, visit: