
New Database Available
Documentary Films From the Barents Region

The database is available online at:

For further information about the Arctic Documentary Films at Risk in
Barents Region Project, please go to:

The Arctic Documentary Films at Risk in Barents Region Project (Afbare)
has launched a database on arctic documentary films, which is available
online at:

The database contains information on approximately 35,000 documentary
films from the Barents region, mainly from Murmansk Oblast, Arkhangelsk
region, and Finnish Lapland.

Information in the database is mainly in English, but authors and
original titles are also listed in Russian and Finnish accordingly.

Detailed information, including scene-by-scene descriptions and
previews, is available for more than 1,000 digitized films. Films are
from the collections of TV Murman, TV Pomorye Archangelsk, and YLE

The Afbare project surveys and digitizes old documentary films in the
Barents region and priority is given to films dealing with arctic
indigenous people, arctic nature, society, and exploration.