
Planning Workshop
International Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere
University of Toronto
19-20 June 2006

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 7 June 2006

For further information, please contact:
Taneil Uttal
E-mail: Taneil.Uttal [at]

James Drummond
E-mail: James.Drummond [at]

John Burkhart
E-mail: jburkhart [at]

The measurement of the polar atmosphere is an important component of the
International Polar Year (IPY) and it is the objective of International
Arctic Systems for Observing the Atmosphere (IASOA; IPY Activity 196; to
assist with the programming and coordination of a number of atmospheric
research groups, including those representing major observatory
programs, special measurement deployments for IPY, other polar
measurement programs, and the users of the datasets, to discuss and plan
the activities and necessary coordination for IPY. With IPY beginning in
March 2007, this is a particularly important time in the planning
process as the various elements come together to form a coordinated

A workshop, composed of presentations from participants, discussions,
and planning sessions, will be held on 19-20 June 2006 in Toronto,
Canada. The outcome will be a draft plan for IASOA IPY activity for use
by IASOA participants as they develop their own plans.

Representatives of major fixed observatories, polar measurement
programs, and potential users of polar atmospheric data are encouraged
to attend and to make presentations.

The workshop is co-sponsored by the Canadian Network for the Detection
of Atmospheric Change (CANDAC) and the Stratospheric Processes And their
Role in Climate (SPARC) program and there is no registration fee.
Participants are asked, however, to bear their own travel and
accommodation costs.

Please register in advance by sending an e-mail with particulars to:
iasoa_meeting [at]

Abstracts, not to exceed 300 words, are solicited on observatories,
projects, programs, and needs for IPY and should be sent to:
abstracts [at]

For further information, please contact:
Taneil Uttal
E-mail: Taneil.Uttal [at]

James Drummond
E-mail: James.Drummond [at]

John Burkhart
E-mail: jburkhart [at]