
Lectureship Available in Physical Oceanography
University College London (UCL)

Application Deadline: Friday, 9 June 2006

For further information, please contact:
Dr. Daniel Feltham
E-mail: dlf [at]

or contact:
Dr. Seymour Laxon
E-mail: swl [at]

Applications are invited for a Lectureship in Physical Oceanography in
the Department of Earth Sciences at the University College London (UCL).
Candidates are sought with an established research reputation or who
show exceptional promise.

Preference will be given to candidates whose research interests
complement those of the Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
(CPOM). CPOM is a NERC-funded world-leading centre for the analysis and
exploitation of earth observation data through numerical and theoretical
modelling. CPOM research aims to constrain mass changes in the land and
marine cryosphere, and to quantify exchanges and interactions with the
polar oceans. Polar oceanography has been identified as a strategic area
of CPOM development following the recent appointment of a BAS-UCL Reader
in polar oceanography, and is expected to form a significant component
of the science programme in CPOM's five year renewal proposal in 2006.
Those with an interest in numerical ocean simulation are particularly
encouraged to apply. UCL would like the successful candidate to take up
the lectureship around September 2006.

Applications should consist of a curriculum vitae, the contact details
of three referees, and any relevant publications and should be sent to:
Leisa Clemente
Centre for Polar Observation and Modelling
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT

E-mail: l.clemente [at]

Informal enquiries about the lectureship can be addressed to:
Dr. Daniel Feltham
E-mail: dlf [at]

or to:
Dr. Seymour Laxon
E-mail: swl [at]

Further information about CPOM can be found at:

Information about the Department of Earth Sciences can be found at: