
Faculty Positions Available
Lecturers in Biological Sciences
Reference Number 526/4379
University of Stirling, Scotland

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 23 May 2006

For further information, please go to:

There are currently two lecturer positions available in the School of
Biological and Environmental Sciences at the University of Stirling.

Applicants specializing in all areas of ecology/environmental biology
are welcome, but preference may be given to those working in
conservation biology, molecular ecology, behavioral ecology, and/or
landscape ecology, particularly if your research interests ally with
existing areas of expertise. Applicants should have the ability to
deliver high quality teaching in our organismal biology programmes.

Informal enquiries should be directed to:
Professor D. Goulson
Phone: +44 (0)1786 467759
E-mail: dave.goulson [at]

or to:
Professor D. W. Hopkins
Phone: +44 (0)1786 467851
E-mail: d.w.hopkins [at]

Please quote reference number 526/4379.

Further position specifics are available from:
HR Services
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA

Phone: 01786 467028
Fax: 01786 466155

The University is committed to ensuring the safety of vulnerable people
and the recruitment process is designed to support this. The successful
applicant for this post will be subject to a Disclosure Scotland check.
The University of Stirling is an equal opportunities employer.