
Deadline Reminder
"The View From Here: History and Ecology of the North Atlantic Region"
North Atlantic Biocultural Association (NABO)
20-24 September 2006
Quebec City, Canada

Abstract Submission Deadline: Monday, 1 May 2006

For further information, please go to:

A conference entitled "The View from Here: History and Ecology of the
North Atlantic Region" will be held from 20-24 September 2006 at
Universite Laval in Quebec City.

The North Atlantic has one of the world's most rapidly-changing climate
regimes and has been the backdrop of cultural interactions and
migrations on regional and intercontinental scales over thousands of
years. This conference will showcase current research regarding the
archaeology, anthropology, and environmental history of the North
Atlantic, and may deal with subjects ranging in scope from the
disappearance of the Dorset, the Viking migrations, and the development
of the commercial cod and whale fisheries, to the latest ice core

In addition to showcasing current research, the conference is intended
to launch new projects concerning the complex (pre)history of human
occupation of the North Atlantic region and the culture-environment
interactions that have shaped its ecological history. This region has
been the locus of significant cultural interactions and migrations on
regional and intercontinental scales over long periods of time.
Additionally, recent environmental research has demonstrated it to be a
key part of the northern hemisphere's climate system and that it has
long had one of the world's most rapidly-changing climate regimes.

Organizers are hoping to attract scholars working on all sides of the
North Atlantic region, with the goals of sharing data and methodologies
and fostering future research collaborations, which can integrate
different portions of this diverse and important region. Students and
scholars working in archaeology, historical and cultural geography,
palaeoecology, anthropology, and other related disciplines are invited
to present papers or posters, and to participate in thematic workshop

Provisional session titles include:
- Physical landscape change during the Holocene
- Dynamics of small scale societies
- The North Atlantic climate system
- Colonisation of landscapes and anthropogenic change in northern
- Economic decision-making in the context of instability
- Geoarchaeological research
- Early world systems and multinationals of the North Atlantic: Tales of
fish, furs, and whales

For further information on abstract submission, travel, registration,
and accommodation, please go to:

or contact:
James Woollett or Allison Bain, Conference Co-chairs
E-mail: viewfromhere [at]
Phone: 418-656-2131 Ext: 7238