
Call for Abstracts
Arctic Environmental Change Session
Earth System Science Partnership (ESSP) Open Science Conference
9-12 November 2006
Beijing, China

Abstract Deadline: Monday, 1 May 2006

For further information and to submit an abstract, please go to:

Abstract contributions are invited for the session on "Arctic
Environmental Change: a Cross-Disciplinary, Pan-Arctic Perspective in
the Context of Earth System Studies" at the Earth System Science
Partnership (ESSP) Open Science Conference, to be held at the Beijing
International Convention Center in Beijing, China, 9-12 November 2006.
The ESSP conference theme is "Global Environmental Change: Regional
Challenges" and will be aimed both at scientists and others interested
in the Earth System Science approach to global environmental change
research. This will also include members of the broader global
environmental change science and development communities, including
policy makers, practitioners, journalists, and members of the private

The arctic environmental change session will highlight new results
delineating spatial and temporal evolution of changes in the physical,
biogeochemical, and human domains of the arctic system gained from
observations, modeling studies and traditional knowledge in the context
of the connection between the Arctic and the Earth System.

Session conveners are Peter Schlosser of Columbia University (USA), Leif
Anderson of the University at Goteborg (Sweden), Cecilie Mauritzen at
the Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Norway), and Monica Tennberg at
the University of Lapland (Finland).

Due to limited time within the parallel sessions for oral presentations,
most accepted abstracts will be scheduled as poster presentations, which
will serve as an integral part of the conference with dedicated time

Abstract Deadline: Monday, 1 May 2006

Online abstract submission form:

The conference organizing committee will notify abstract authors of
submission decisions by Friday, 30 June 2006.

For further information, please go to: