
Position Available
Research Officer - Glaciologist/Geophysicist
Reference Number: M2236
University of Wales Swansea and British Antarctic Survey

Application Deadline: Friday, 14 April 2006

Application forms and further information are available at:

The University of Wales Swansea, Glaciology Group and the British
Antarctic Survey wish to appoint a research officer to work on a Natural
Environment Research Council (NERC) Antarctic Funding Initiative
(AFI)-funded project "Basal Conditions on Rutford Ice Stream, West
Antarctica: Hot-water Drilling and Down-hole Instrumentation."

The component of the research undertaken by the research fellow will be
the interpretation and analysis of surface seismic and airborne radar
surveys. He/she may also be involved in laboratory work on ice cores
collected during the project and the interpretation of shallow borehole
thermistor data.

Creative and innovative, applicants should have a Ph.D. in geophysics,
glaciology, or a numerate geoscience discipline. Good interpersonal
communication skills (including written), enthusiasm, and commitment are
essential. The University of Wales Swansea promotes an equal
opportunities policy.

Informal enquiries should be directed to:
Professor Tavi Murray
E-mail: t.murray [at]
Phone: 01792 602269

or to:
Dr. Andy M. Smith
E-mail: amsm [at]
Phone: 01223 221481

Information about the university, department, and research group is
available online at: