
Publication Available
"The Inuit Dog: Its Provenance, Environment, and History"
By: Ian Kenneth MacRury
Price: $16.00 USD (plus $4.00 shipping and handling)

For further information, please contact:
Sue Hamilton
Phone: 860-485-9088
E-mail: qimmiq [at]

"The Inuit Dog: Its Provenance, Environment, and History" was written by
Ian Kenneth MacRury and is a comprehensive scientific publication
written about the oldest of all purebred polar dogs, Canis familiaris

This book covers the prehistoric origins of the Inuit sled dog and the
environment in which the breed evolved. It explains how the Inuit dog
proved to be essential to the survival of arctic people for four
thousand years, well into the mid-twentieth century. This publication
examines physical characteristics including the wolf versus dog
controversy, historical trends in height and weight, coat color
patterns, and the breed's unique behaviour and nutritional requirements.
It includes sections on the history of the different systems of Inuit
dog use in early exploration and scientific endeavor at both poles. It
presents a wealth of information in the form of tables and figures, as
well as 34 bibliography entries and a list of 138 references.

To order, please send a check or money order (payable to "Inuit Sled Dog
International - Sue Hamilton") to:
Inuit Sled Dog International
C/O Sue Hamilton
55 Town Line Road
Harwinton, CT 06791

For further information, please contact:
Sue Hamilton
Phone: 860-485-9088
E-mail: qimmiq [at]