
Workshop Announcement
Ocean Research Priorities Plan
U.S. National Science and Technology Council
Joint Subcommittee on Ocean Science and Technology
18-20 April 2006
Denver, Colorado

For more information on the workshop:

For more information on the Ocean Research Priorities Plan:

Dear Colleague,

The U.S. National Science and Technology Council Joint Subcommittee on
Ocean Science and Technology (JSOST) is hosting a workshop to solicit
public input on the Ocean Research Priorities Plan. This important plan
will guide ocean science and technology for the next five to ten years.

The workshop will be held April 18-20, 2006 in Denver, Colorado and is
open to any interested individuals. Registration fees are $100 before
April 7, 2006 ($150 if after April 7).

In addition to the workshop, there will be an opportunity for public
comment on the Ocean Research Priorities Plan, scheduled to begin soon
(the dates have not yet been announced).

The workshop and subsequent public comment session will be key venues
for setting the national ocean research agenda. Please consider
attending the workshop and/or submitting comments on the Ocean Research
Priorities Plan.

For more information on the workshop:

For more information on the Ocean Research Priorities Plan: