
For further information, please see the full IPY proposal available
online at:

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) has changed the name of
the "Accessing Grey Literature of the Polar Regions" project to
"Discovery and Access of Historic Literature from the IPYs (DAHLI):
Rescuing Records and Publications of Early IPY Ventures". The new name
better reflects the efforts of participating institutions to locate and
make available these historic materials. The new name also better
describes the variety of materials NSIDC will be working to rescue--
data and literature in multiple formats such as photographs and maps, as
well as published and unpublished materials.

At the start of 2006, funding was received to begin digitizing
materials. NSIDC will begin by gathering locally held materials--records
and publications held in NSIDC collections and neighboring institutions
such as NOAA in Boulder. The NOAA Climate Data Modernization Program,
which DAHLI is currently funded under, allows for the digitization of
relevant materials no matter where they are located. In later years it
may be possible to expand this program to materials held elsewhere.
Please contact Allaina Howard (alhoward [at] or Ruth Duerr
(rduerr [at] if you have high-priority materials you would like

NSIDC has also been in contact with institutions that are creating their
own IPY bibliographies and has begun harvesting those materials. NSIDC
is currently seeking additional contacts with organizations that have
similar in-house projects. If you are such an institution or know of
others, please contact NSIDC. The inclusion of the DAHLI bibliography in
the Arctic and Antarctic Regions database as well as making a searchable
version with links to digitized materials publicly available online is
also planned.

To contact DAHLI/NSIDC with questions, pointers, bibliographic records
of relevant materials, or materials to be digitized, please e-mail:
Allaina Howard, NSIDC
E-mail: alhoward [at]

or contact:
Ruth Duerr, NSIDC
E-mail: rduerr [at]

NSIDC has created a DAHLI e-mail listserve so that anyone who is
interested may subscribe. It is hoped that this e-mail list will
encourage more dialog on the various issues that will inevitably come up
with a project of this size. NSIDC also expects that the members of the
e-mail list will act as an informal advisory committee for the project.
Many institutions and individuals are enthusiastically awaiting this
project. NSIDC hopes that this e-mail list may provide some relief to
the geographic and financial difficulties of getting everyone together.

If you are interested in participating or learning more about this
project, please follow the instructions below and register for the
e-mail group.

To subscribe to the DAHLI list, send an e-mail to:
majordomo [at]

Include the following line in the body of the message:

subscribe dahli your_email_account@email_address
(e.g., subscribe dahli rduerr [at]