
Travel Support Available
International Workshop on Antarctic Sea Ice Thickness
5-7 July 2006
Hobart, Tasmania

Application Deadline: Saturday, 15 April 2006

For further information, please visit the workshop website:

Travel support for some U.S. participants to the Antarctic Sea Ice
Thickness Workshop is being provided by the National Science Foundation.
Young investigators, researchers, students, and members of
underrepresented groups are especially encouraged to apply.

An application form is available on the workshop website
( and a concurrent
submission should be sent to Stephen Ackley (sackley [at] and Tony
Worby (a.worby [at]

An abstract of relevant work to be presented at the workshop (either by
oral or poster presentation) should be submitted also (the previous
abstract deadline has been extended for these submissions). For graduate
students, an endorsing letter by an advisor to attend the workshop
should also be submitted, with or without an abstract. Funding is
limited so partial funding from other sources is encouraged to broaden
participation. Necessary support of airfare only, accommodation only, or
both should be indicated in the application submission.