
Field Course Opportunity
Field Methods in Subarctic Archaeology and Ethnography
Yukon College, Canada

Course dates: 7 June - 24 July 2006

Registration Deadline: Monday, 1 May 2006

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Norm Easton
Course Instructor
E-mail: neaston [at]

Yukon College in Whitehorse, Yukon Territories, is now accepting
registrations for Field Methods in Subarctic Archaeology and Ethnography
(ANTH 225), a six credit, six week, second year university course
recognized by the University of the Arctic.

The course provides students with an introduction to archaeological and
ethnographic field methods within the context of a community-based
research program investigating local history and culture. Previous
offerings have investigated the prehistory of the Beaver and Snag Creek
regions, the area above MacIntyre Creek, and the mouth of the Klondike

The 2006 field school will return to the Scottie Creek area of the
Tanana River watershed of the Yukon-Alaska borderlands. The region is
the traditional homeland of the Scottie Creek Dineh, a social and
dialectical sub-group of the Upper Tanana language Athapaskans, and lies
within the administrative boundaries of the White River First Nation and
Northway Village Council.

Research foci for 2006 include survey and excavation of archaeological
sites in the Mirror Creek valley, Yukon-Alaska borderlands, including a
late Pleistocene cultural occupation, and ethnographic work in place
names, cultural geography, contemporary subsistence hunting and fishing,
ethnobotany, and linguistics of the Upper Tanana athapaskans.

Course dates: 7 June - 24 July 2006

Registration deadline is Monday, 1 May 2006

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Norm Easton
Course Instructor
E-mail: neaston [at]