
Logistical Platform Available
Station Nord, Greenland National Park, Greenland
Summer Season 2006 (July to mid-August)

Application Deadline: Thursday, 30 March 2006

For more information, please contact:
Lise W. Kristiansen
Phone: +45-3544-6380
E-mail: lwk [at]

The Danish Natural Science Research Council (FNU) invites scientists
to express their interest in using the Council's logistical platform in
the area surrounding Station Nord, the Danish military airbase in the
north-eastern section of the Greenland National Park, during the summer
season of 2006.

FNU is financing and operating a logistical platform which will ensure
the presence of a helicopter and a STOL airplane in the region during
the summer season of 2006 (July to mid-August). As part of the
initiative, FNU has allocated logistical funding to 10 Danish arctic
research projects. Further, the Council has hired the Danish Polar
Centre (DPC) to co-ordinate the logistical activities.

It is expected that the transport capacity of the helicopter and STOL
airplane at Station Nord will exceed the needs of the 10 FNU-financed
research projects. Arctic research projects within fields such as
geology, biology, physical geography, glaciology, climate research,
meteorology or atmospheric chemistry, which are already financed from
other sources and which could benefit from using FNU's logistical
platform with respect to airborne transport of persons or cargo within
the area are therefore invited to send an expression of interest to FNU.

Preference will be given to projects led by Danish researchers. Other
projects should have participation from Danish researchers in order to
be considered.

It is not at present possible to apply to FNU for additional funding of
arctic research activities, and users of FNU's logistical platform will
be charged a shared cost price calculated by DPC.

Selection of research projects eligible will take place in open
competition on the basis of expressions of interest in accordance with
the below mentioned terms and conditions.

Expressions of interest should be made using Form 1 and should include
the following mandatory appendices attached in the following order:

1) Short description of the project (1 page)
2) Specification of logistic requirements (i.e. number of passengers,
cargo and flight hours with helicopter and/or airplane) (1 page)
3) CV of scientific leader of the project (1 page) and publication list
(last 5 years)
4) Documentation for funding of the project (1 page)

Form 1 is available online at the Danish Research Agency's website:

English Website:

Danish Website:

or by telephone at +45-3544-6200.

The expression of interest must be submitted as a single signed original
and 4 photocopies. Please secure each copy, including appendices, with a
single staple. The Form 1 should be attached at the front, with
appendices behind. Submitted appendices will not be returned.

Expressions of interest must be written in Danish or English.
Expressions of interest in English must be written using the English
version of Form 1. The deadline for expressions of interest to FNU is
3:00 p.m. on Thursday, 30 March 2006.

Submit applications to:
The Danish Natural Science Research Council
Danish Research Agency
Artillerivej 88
DK-2300 Copenhagen S

For further assistance please contact:
Lise W. Kristiansen
FNU Secretariat
Phone: +45-3544-6380
E-mail: lwk [at]