
NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Opportunity
Marine Biology and Coastal Ecology
University of Alaska Southeast

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 22 March 2006

For more information, please go to:

or contact:
Elizabeth Mathews
Assistant Professor of Biology
University of Alaska Southeast
E-mail: reu [at]

The Biology Program at the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) is
offering research experience opportunities to undergraduate students
interested in the physiology, ecology, and behavior of organisms in
Alaska's marine and coastal environments. The UAS Juneau Campus, located
on Auke Bay, provides opportunities for hands-on research experiences
with marine algae, invertebrates, birds, and mammals. In addition to the
Juneau area, field research projects take place in Glacier Bay National
Park and Preserve, the Tongass National Forest, the Gulf of Alaska, and
the Arctic Ocean.

Student involvement in research projects will last 10 weeks. The program
begins on 5 June 2006 with the exception of one project which will start
on 8 May 2006. During the first week students and mentors participate in
a research methods and safety workshop/retreat and there are weekly
seminars. The last day of the program is 11 August 2006.

Student participants will conduct research under the guidance of UAS
Biology faculty and collaborating research scientists. The program is
supported with funds from the National Science Foundation and the
University of Alaska Southeast. Each participant will receive a stipend
of $400 per week and housing while in Juneau. Up to $250 in travel costs
to Juneau and travel and subsistence costs within Alaska will also be
provided. Living arrangements during the REU program will involve
sharing a room and may involve sharing an apartment with male and female
students. Juneau is located in southeastern Alaska and accessible only
by ferry (Alaska Marine Highway) or air (Alaska Airlines).

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents and enrolled as
undergraduate students at accredited institutions. Graduating seniors
are not eligible. The program seeks academically strong students
interested in marine biological research. Minority applicants are
especially encouraged.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 22 March 2006.

For more information and a description of research projects, please go

or contact:
Elizabeth A. Mathews
Assistant Professor of Biology
Natural Sciences Department
University of Alaska Southeast
11120 Glacier Hwy
Juneau, Alaska 99801
E-mail: reu [at]