
New Website Available
The Web-Guide to Research for Undergraduates (WebGURU)

Website available at:

The Web-Guide to Research for Undergraduates (WebGURU) is an interactive
web-based tool intended to assist undergraduates navigate the hurdles of
an undergraduate research experience.

The purpose of this website is to provide undergraduates interested in
and/or currently participating in undergraduate research experiences in
science, technology, engineering, and/or mathematics with ready
information and links to reliable electronic resources on all aspects of
the undergraduate research experience.

The website is available at:

Resources available on this website include:

  • Information on all the technical aspects of undergraduate research
    including lab safety, record keeping, experimental design, data
    analysis, technical writing, oral presentations, intellectual property,
  • A discussion board for discussing anything about undergraduate
    research with other undergraduate students
  • Links to undergraduate research programs and program information
  • Scholarships and fellowships in support of undergraduate research
  • Meeting opportunities for undergraduate scientists and engineers

The Web-GURU project is funded by the National Science Foundation
Division of Undergraduate Education
( through the Educational
Materials Development Program: