
2006 Alaska Park Science Symposium
Park Science in Central Alaska: Crossing Boundaries in a Changing
12-14 September 2006
Murie Science and Learning Center
Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska

Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday, 30 April 2006

For more information, please go to:

The Alaska Park Science Symposium series is presented by the National
Park Service as a continuing set of biannual symposia, highlighting
scientific endeavors focused on Alaska National Park regions. The 2006
Symposium will be held at Denali National Park and will focus on
research in interior Alaska. It seeks to emphasize science that crosses
political, geographic, social, discipline or other boundaries.

Papers are invited for this regional symposium from scientists and
scholars working across many disciplines in the Denali, Wrangell-St.
Elias, and Yukon-Charley Rivers National Parks and Preserves, and the
adjacent land and waters of Central Alaska and Western Yukon.
Submissions for oral and poster presentations of research activity and
results in biological, physical, cultural, and social science pertaining
to any of these three parks and the surrounding areas as well as broad
studies that have multi-park or regional focus that is relevant to these
parks are also welcome. The Park Science Symposium will provide an
outstanding opportunity to share results and collaborate with
researchers working throughout Central Alaska Park areas. Summary papers
or extended abstracts will be published in a peer-reviewed document.
Awards will be presented to the best poster presentations.

Anticipated Program Tracks include:
- Physical Science, Geology, Glaciology, Hydrology, and Atmospheric
- Emerging Issues
- Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Freshwater and Marine Ecosystems
- History, Ethnography, Traditional and Local Knowledge, Anthropology,
and Archeology
- Social Science related to Tourism, Recreation, and Economy
- Scientific Methods and Information Technology

Specific information regarding the symposium, as well as abstract,
poster, and presentation submission instructions, is available online

Abstracts must be submitted electronically to the following website no
later than Sunday, 30 April 2006: