
Opportunities for Fieldwork Support:
The Abisko Scientific Research Station in the Swedish sub-Arctic

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 1 March 2006

For more information and application instructions, please go to:

The Abisko Scientific Research Station (ANS) has received the EU-grant
ATANS (Access To Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station) within the EU
Transnational Access Programme for the period 2005-2009. This grant will
financially support travel and accommodation costs at the Abisko Station
for about 35 visiting scientists spending, on average, one month each
for the four years. In practice, the duration of stay will vary
according to individual project needs, and it is possible for intended
users to apply for a short, research planning visit to Abisko.

ANS is a unique, long-established, modern and comprehensive
infrastructure situated in a wilderness area about 200 km north of the
Arctic Circle in the northernmost part of sub-Arctic Sweden. It has
facilities of an international standard that support a range of research
from observation and monitoring to high tech experimentation within a
range of terrestrial and freshwater environments. These environments are
relatively pristine when compared with those of more southerly European

Further information on the Abisko Scientific Research Station (ANS) is
available online at:

Proposals relating to research on the natural environment (geosphere,
biosphere, hydrosphere and cryosphere) of the Abisko area will be
considered and some specific scientific areas are particularly
encouraged. These are:
- New, innovative projects
- Projects that strengthen existing research groups and activities
- Projects that integrate or link existing research groups, for
example within IPY (International Polar Year projects)
- Projects lead by scientists from new EU-member states
- Projects that focus on environmental processes during winter
- Projects by first-time users and research groups
- Projects by users in countries without infrastructures similar to
that at Abisko

Grants are open to applications from scientists in EU-countries outside
Sweden as well as scientists from Associated States. Proposals are
invited from established researchers and young researchers. Applications
from Ph.D. students will also be considered. The feasibility of
achieving stated products from the fieldwork will be an important
criterion for assessment. Consideration will be given to applications by
research project teams, although the number of members of each team
eligible for support will be small.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, 1 March 2006

For more information and application instructions, please go to:

Candidates will be informed of the outcomes of their
proposals before Saturday, 1 April 2006.