
New Listserve Available
University of Alaska Anchorage

For further information, please go to:

Douglas Veltre of the University of Alaska Anchorage would like to
announce a new, unmoderated e-mail listserve, AnthroAlaska.
The focus of AnthroAlaska will be on discussions, questions, news, etc.
pertaining to the whole of anthropology in, and about, Alaska. The list
may be used to send out announcements concerning upcoming events, such
as professional meetings, public talks, museum exhibitions, and
university colloquia; to keep list members informed of current research
plans and findings; to announce new publications; and to seek
information on Alaskan anthropological topics.

If you are interested in signing up, please go to:

If you have questions concerning the list, please contact Douglas Veltre
directly at:
afdwv [at]