
New Website Available
Arctic Institute of North America (AINA)

The website is available at:

Please send questions and comments to:
Dr. Dawn Johnston
Director of Communication and Education, AINA
E-mail: debjohns [at]

The Arctic Institute of North America (AINA) has launched a new website

In a newly redesigned format, users will find information about AINA,
listings of news, media, and events, profiles of research and education
programs, and quick links to publications and collections, including the
ASTIS database, the journal Arctic, an art collection, and photographic
archives. Please take a few moments to browse our new site and change
your bookmarks accordingly.

Questions and comments are welcomed and should be directed to AINA's
Director of Communication and Education, Dr. Dawn Johnston, at
debjohns [at]

The Arctic Institute of North America is a bi-national organization
dedicated to advancing the study of the North American and circumpolar
Arctic through the natural and social sciences, the arts and humanities
and to acquiring, preserving, and disseminating information on physical,
environmental, and social conditions in the North.