
Position Announcement
Executive Director
Circumpolar Conservation Union

The Circumpolar Conservation Union (CCU) seeks a highly qualified person
to serve as Executive Director to provide daily leadership and operating
management for this small, vital NGO. Consideration of applicants for
this position will begin immediately.

CCU is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting the ecological
and cultural integrity of the Arctic for present and future generations.
Based in Washington D.C., this mission is undertaken through policy
development, public education, training, and issue advocacy programs
that promote cooperation among Arctic indigenous peoples and other
diverse interests. An official observer to the Arctic Council, CCU's
program areas include global warming, trans-boundary contaminants, and
capacity building.

Founded in 1993 by its current President as a project of the Tides
Foundation, CCU is now an independent 501(c)(3) entity and seeks a "roll
up your shirt-sleeves" candidate with a proven track record to lead this
unique organization into the next stage of its development.

The Executive Director is responsible for day-to-day operations and
administration, including all support functions; accounting, budgeting
and fiscal management; grant seeking; donor and foundation relations;
and office management. The Executive Director is also responsible for
the overall scope of CCU activities and is involved, in varying degrees,
with its programs.

Applicants should have:
- experience and demonstrated success at nonprofit management;
- proven ability to raise funds;
- environmental issues knowledge;
- strong people skills; and
- excellent written and verbal communication skills.

To apply, candidates should submit applications consisting of a resume,
a list of references, recent salary history, and a letter explaining
their interest in the position by e-mail to:
circumpolarconservationunion [at]