
Workshop Announcement
"Arctic Ships Coordination During IPY"
Arctic Science Summit Week
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Potsdam, Germany

For further information, please contact:
U. Schauer
E-mail: uschauer [at]

One of the goals of the International Polar Year is to enable "a defined
period polar snapshot that will provide a crucial benchmark for
detecting and understanding change in comparison with past and future
data sets" (IPY Science Plan). A multitude of Expressions of Intent
(EoIs) were submitted to the IPY Joint Committee describing
contributions to a synoptic survey of the state of the Arctic Ocean
climate and ecosystem. To accomplish this goal in the spirit of the IPY,
coordination of planned field activities to be carried out with ships,
ice-stations, and aircraft is required.

To this end, a workshop will be held on the evening of Project Day
during the Arctic Science Summit Week in Potsdam, Germany on 26 March
2006. The workshop is jointly sponsored by Alfred Wegener Institute for
Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Forum of Arctic Research Operators
(FARO), and the Arctic Ocean Sciences Board (AOSB), in coordination with
the IPY International Project Office. The workshop aims to help cut down
on duplication and to utilize limited vessels and other platforms most

The intention of the workshop is to:
- provide a forum to inform others about planned IPY cruises and the
state of planning;
- present a website that will provide detailed information of planned
- talk about needs of programs and about possibilities for groups or
individuals to join in planned activities; and
- solicit further information to keep the website updated.

The schedule will be available soon at:

For further information, please contact:
U. Schauer
E-mail: uschauer [at]