
Post-doctoral Fellowship Positions
Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment
Storms of the Arctic Experiment
University of Toronto

For further information, please contact:
Professor G.W.K. Moore
E-mail: gwk.moore [at]

Professor G.W.K. Moore of the Department of Physics at the University of
Toronto invites applications for two post-doctoral fellowship positions
within his research group. The successful applicants will participate in
the Greenland Flow Distortion Experiment (GFDEX: and the Storms of the Arctic
(STAR) experiment. GFDEX is a joint Anglo-Canadian project that will
investigate the role that Greenland plays in distorting atmospheric flow
over and around it, affecting local and remote weather systems and, via
air-sea interaction processes, the coupled climate system. STAR is a
Canadian project involving both university and government scientists
that will study severe weather in the eastern Canadian Arctic. The
successful applicants will have the opportunity to participate in the
field campaigns associated with these experiments including the planning
and execution of instrumented aircraft flights into high impact weather
systems as well as in the analysis and modeling of data arising from the
field campaigns.

A Ph.D. in meteorology or a closely related field is required.
Experience with high latitude observations, processes, or modeling is
desirable but not essential. The positions are open immediately and will
be filled as soon as qualified applicants are identified. The salary for
these positions is negotiable and will depend on the applicants'
qualifications. Interested persons are asked to submit a CV, a statement
of research interests, and arrange for two letters of reference to be
sent to:
Professor G.W.K. Moore
Department of Physics
University of Toronto
60 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario

E-mail: gwk.moore [at]
Phone: 416-978-4686
Fax: 416-978-8905