
Positions Available
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
University of Heidelberg

Application Deadline: Tuesday, 28 February 2006

For further information, please contact:
Julia Boike

E-mail: jboike [at]

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research is looking
for team members for a new Helmholtz young investigator research group.

This newly formed group is hosted at the Alfred Wegener Institute for
Polar and Marine Research in Potsdam under the leadership of Dr. Julia
Boike. Ph.D. students will be officially enrolled at the University of
Heidelberg (either in physics or in the geoscience program) and will
spend a significant amount of time under the supervision of Professor
Kurt Roth in the Institute of Environmental Physics.

The research group will focus on:
- establishing spatial and temporal linkages between water and energy
fluxes at the plot and landscape scales of different permafrost affected
ecosystems; and
- developing a process-oriented model for the typical arctic permafrost
system to predict subsurface processes (soil water and heat).

The following three positions are available:

Postdoctoral Researcher (Reference No. 5/Post-Doc)

Responsibilities include adding spatially distributed coupled thermal
and hydrologic soil algorithm to a spatially distributed hydrologic
model; and modelling of spatially distributed thaw depth, soil moisture,
and ground water level. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in hydrology,
physics, or geosciences; experience in spatially distributed hydrologic
modelling; and good programming skills (IDL). Experience with permafrost
hydrology and thermal processes is beneficial.

Prior field experience is required since the position requires extensive
field work in the Arctic (Siberia, Spitsbergen, and Alaska). Applicants
should also be able to work in a multidisciplinary team and be fluent in
English (written and spoken).

Ph.D. Student (Reference No. 6/Dok-P)

This position will explore the spatial dynamic of water and heat fluxes.
The successful applicant will be responsible for the analysis of process
(plot) based studies of heat and water exchange between soil and
atmosphere at the plot and watershed scale, automatic measurements of
soil and micrometeorological parameters, and instrumentation and
measurement of surface properties (soil moisture using time domain
reflectometry and ground penetrating radar, spectral properties).

Applicants should have a Masters degree in hydrology, physics,
geosciences, or similar discipline. It is beneficial if applicants have
eddy covariance experience and programming skills (C/C++). Prior field
experience is required since the position requires extensive field work
in the Arctic (Siberia, Spitsbergen, and Alaska). Applicants should also
be able to work in a multidisciplinary team and be fluent in English
(written and spoken).

The position will be funded for three years. The salary will be paid
following the German Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag BAT-O with an
additional allowance.

Engineer/Technician (Reference No. 7/Ing-Tech)

The engineer/technician will be responsible for running the automated
soil and climate stations, importing data into the existing SQL
database, running an eddy covariance system, designing self-sufficient
power stations, and developing systems such as a monorail remote sensing
device. Position requirements include programming (C/C++, SQL, Matlab)
and it is beneficial if applicants have experience in aerial picture
analysis or photogrammetry and in eddy covariance systems. Prior field
experience is required since the position requires extensive field work
in the Arctic (Siberia, Spitsbergen, and Alaska). Applicants should also
be able to work in a multidisciplinary team and be fluent in English
(written and spoken).

The position will be funded for five years. The salary will be paid
following the German Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag BAT-O.

The AWI is an equal opportunity employer and especially encourages
female scientists to apply.

Information on AWI's periglacial working group and the University of
Heidelberg can be found at:

Applications for these positions will be accepted until the positions
are filled, but not later than Tuesday, 28 February 2006. Applications
should include curriculum vitae, list of publications, two letters of
reference, and academic transcripts from the most recently awarded

Please quote the position reference number and send applications to:
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research
P.O. Box 60 01 49
14401 Potsdam