
Session Announcement
Nonlinear Cryospheric Dynamics (CR15/NP2.05)
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006
Vienna, Austria
2-7 April 2006

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 13 January 2006

For further information on the meeting, please go to:

In the upcoming European Geoscience Union General Assembly in Vienna,
Austria there will be a session on nonlinear cryospheric dynamics, which
will be aimed at exchanging ideas between the cryospheric and
mathematical/nonlinear dynamics communities. The session was new and
well-received last year, and organizers would like to build on that
success. All aspects of nonlinear cryospheric phenomena, from
observational to theoretical, are welcome, including but not limited to
pattern formation (glacial and periglacial landforms, spiral patterns on
Mars), surge-type glacier and ice sheet dynamics, marine ice sheet
stability, grounding line stick-slip behavior, and rheological

Session Abstract
The nonlinear behavior of cryospheric systems is well known, but the
dynamic implications of these complexities are still emerging. Examples
include the recent discovery of tidally modulated ice stream motion,
continued advances in the description of grain-scale processes and
rheology, ongoing investigations into climate feedbacks throughout the
cryospheric system, and studies of emergent phenomena leading to pattern
formation in polar regions and on Mars. This session is focused on
observational and modeling advances towards an understanding of the
nonlinear interactions that control these and other cryospheric
processes. Organizers encourage relevant submissions from across the
spectrum of research in the cryosphere and in nonlinear dynamics, and
aim to establish this session as a forum for scientific exchange between
the cryospheric and applied mathematics communities.

For details on abstract submission, please go to:

The cryosphere programme is available:…