
Book Available Online
"The Arctic Basin: Results from the Russian Drifting Stations"
By: Ivan E. Frolov, Zalman M. Gudkovich, Vladimir F. Radionov,
Alexander V. Shirochkov, and Leonid A. Timokhov
Springer/Praxis Publishing
ISBN 3-540-24142-6
Price: $169 USD

The book can be ordered online from Springer,11855,4-40106-22-52111584-0…

"The Arctic Basin: Results from the Russian Drifting Stations" provides
unique insight into the work and achievements of the drifting stations
established in the Arctic Basin in 1937.

The book provides a concise summary of the major results of the Arctic
Ocean studies based on data obtained from the North Pole drifting
stations and from high latitudinal airborne expeditions previously
published only in Russian. It contains extensive illustrative,
cartographic, and tabular materials that can be used by a wide range of
scientists investigating the nature of the arctic region. The book also
details the organization of work and everyday life of personnel on the
drifting stations.