
Conference Announcement
63rd Annual Eastern Snow Conference
7-9 June 2006
Newark, Delaware

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 24 February 2006

For further information, please go to:

The 63rd Eastern Snow Conference (ESC) will be held on the campus of the
University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware on 7-9 June 2006. This
meeting will be held jointly with the Cryosphere Specialty Group of the
Association of American Geographers. The scientific program is open to
sessions on theoretical, experimental, and operational studies of snow,
ice, and winter hydrology. Organizers anticipate sessions on
snow-climate interactions, snow processes, ground ice and periglacial
processes, and remote sensing of snow. Student paper awards are
available. You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster
presentation. An abstract of 150-200 words should be submitted
electronically by Friday, 24 February 2006 to the program chair, Andrew
Klein (klein [at]

All papers will be published in the ESC Proceedings. In addition,
Hydrological Processes (HP) will publish refereed papers from the
meeting. The subject matter of these papers must fit within the scope of
the journal. If you would like your paper to be considered for journal
publication, please indicate this on your abstract and send your paper
electronically to the ESC/HP chief editor, John Pomeroy
(pomeroy [at], no later than one week after the end of the ESC
meeting. For more information, contact John Pomeroy (pomeroy [at]
or the ESC/HP co-editor, Andrew Klein (klein [at]

Students are encouraged to enter the ESC Student Paper Competitions. For
conditions and details, please consult the ESC website:

The winner of the best student paper will receive the Wiesnet Medal, a
$500 CDN prize, and up to $250 toward travel expenses to attend the
conference, while the Campbell Scientific Canada Award of $500 will be
awarded to the most innovative use of technology in the gathering of
data. To be considered for these awards, four copies of the paper with
the supervisor's endorsement must reach the chair of the research
committee, Steven Fassnacht, postmarked no later than Friday, 28 April
2006. Please send copies to:

Steven Fassnacht
Watershed Science Program
Natural Resources Building, Room 335
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1472

E-mail: srf [at]