
New Book Available
"The North Pole"
By: Kathan Brown
ISBN: 1891300180
Published By: Crown Point Press, San Francisco
Price: $25 USD

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This book tells the story of the author's trip to the North Pole on the
Russian icebreaker Yamal, and juxtaposes her narrative with excerpts
from the journal of Fridtjof Nansen who traveled in the area a hundred
years ago. Interspersed are 120 color photos by the author and eight
conversations with polar experts on subjects ranging from Wallace
Broecker's ideas of the Great Ocean Conveyer Belt to what life is like
in the scientific community on Spitsbergen, where the sun doesn't come
up for three months of the year.

About the Author
This is Kathan Brown's first book with a scientific subject, though she
has written several books about art. She worked with Gunter Weller at
the University of Alaska and Robert Headland, archivist at the Scott
Polar Research Center, Cambridge, and others who know and care about the
Arctic to ensure the accuracy of her writing in "The North Pole."

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