
GPS Proposal Planning
NSF OPP Arctic Research Opportunities

For further information, please contact:
Bjorn Johns
E-mail: johns [at]

The upcoming deadline for the NSF OPP "Arctic Research Opportunities"
Program Announcement is Friday, 16 December 2005. All investigators who
wish to use UNAVCO GPS support are encouraged to contact UNAVCO to
discuss project requirements.

Assistance is available from UNAVCO for technical planning and budgeting
of field engineering and equipment support requirements for your
proposed projects. A range of equipment is available for projects
including permanent, campaign, and kinematic GPS systems, as well as
remote communication and power systems hardware. UNAVCO will submit to
you a letter of support and associated budget (in cases of long term
equipment loan) for inclusion in your proposal.

For additional information, see the UNAVCO Facility website at:

or contact:
Bjorn Johns
E-mail: johns [at]

The NSF program announcement is online at: