
Workshop Announcement
"Coastal Erosion Responses for Alaska"
Wednesday, 4 January 2006
University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) School of Engineering
Registration Fee: $35 USD

For further information, please contact:
Orson P. Smith
Phone: 907-786-1910
E-mail: afops [at]

For the ninth year in a row, the University of Alaska Anchorage School
of Engineering will host the UAA Science-to-Engineering Workshop. This
workshop, "Coastal Erosion Responses for Alaska," will bring together
expertise, industry know how, and agency insight to discuss Alaska
shoreline trends, coastal zone management issues, and pros and cons of
engineering options. The workshop will be held on the UAA campus
(Rasmusson Hall, Room 101) on Wednesday, 4 January 2006 and is sponsored
by the U.S. Geological Survey Alaska Science Center, the NOAA Alaska Sea
Grant College Program, the International Arctic Research Center, the
University of Alaska Corporate Programs office, and the University of
Alaska Anchorage. There is a registration fee of $35 USD. An additional
fee of $60 is required to receive a 0.6 CEU continuing education credit.

Economic growth and climate change are clashing along Alaska's
coastline. Sea level rise, receding winter ice cover, and new weather
patterns bring losses each year to growing coastal communities from
Barrow to Ketchikan. Western Alaska villages contemplate wholesale
relocation and Southcentral Alaska coastal property owners face tough
personal and business losses. Natural shoreline retreat is difficult and
often unwise to stop. Hardships are preventable with wise community
management of the coastal zone. Good site selection for shoreside homes
and businesses with appropriate construction can reduce risk of loss.
This workshop will address these issues and produce guidance for the

A second workshop at the same location will be convened on the following
day, Thursday, 5 January 2006, by the U.S. Arctic Research Commission in
collaboration with the UAA School of Engineering. This workshop will
address "Research Strategies for Arctic Infrastructure," including all
infrastructure-related research needs for cold regions of the United

For further information, please contact:
Orson P. Smith
Phone: 907-786-1910
E-mail: afops [at]