
Position Announcement
Director, Canadian Circumpolar Institute
University of Alberta

Further information about the Canadian Circumpolar Institute is
available at:

Further information about the University of Alberta is available at:

The University of Alberta invites nominations and applications for
Director of the Canadian Circumpolar Institute. The appointment, for an
initial five-year term, begins 1 July 2006.

Reporting to the Vice-President (Research), the Director will provide
strategic leadership in realizing the University's ambition for the
Canadian Circumpolar Institute as a distinctive and leading centre of
circumpolar research. The Director will enable collaboration among
scholars, assist departments to attract new faculty, deepen ties with
like institutions internationally, increase engagement with communities
in the circumpolar world, and heighten the profile of the Institute and
the University. The successful candidate will have an international
reputation in circumpolar research and a track record of research
leadership, and will demonstrate the ability to articulate the
Institute's vision and enable its realization.

The Search Committee will begin consideration of candidates in early
January 2006. The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit and
is committed to the principle of equity of employment. The University
welcomes diversity and encourages applications from all qualified women
and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible
minorities, and Aboriginal persons. Nominations and applications should
be submitted in confidence to:
Janet Wright and Associates Inc.
21 Bedford Road, Suite 300
Toronto, Ontario M5R 2J9

Fax: 416-923-8311
E-mail: ccidirector [at]