
New Publications Available
Department of Eskimology and Arctic Studies
University of Copenhagen

For further information, please contact:
Adda Schack
E-mail: eskimologi [at]

"Tjukota i fortid og nutid" (Chukotka past and present)
Edited By: Bent Nielsen
ISBN 87-87874-21-0
Price: $29 USD (plus postage)

In this publication, seven Danish scholars give a presentation of
Chukotka Russia. Every article has a different focus (archaeology,
history, linguistics, philology, socio-linguistics, and anthropology)
and the reader is offered a wide range of information and research
concerning Chukotka and its population. All articles but one (M.
Fortescue: How far West can Eskimo language be traced?) are published in
Danish and the authors arthe e affiliated with the University of
Copenhagen, University of Aarhus, and Danish National Museum.

"Dansksprogede gronlanderes plads i et Gronland under gronlandisering og
modernisering" (Danish Speaking Greenlanders' Position in Greenland in
an Era of Greenlandization and Modernization)
By: Ulrik Pram Gad
ISBN 87-87874-23-7
Price: $34 USD (plus postage)

Greenlandic language is central to Greenlandic identity. But how are
Greenlanders who do not speak Greenlandic dealt with? Ulrik Pram Gad
analyzes the Greenlandic debate on language and offers, inspired by
post-structuralism, a conceptual apparatus for systematically grasping
identity negotiations as politics. This publication is written in

To order these books, please contact:
Adda Schack
Department of Eskimology and Arctic Studies
Strandgade 100H
DK-1401 Copenhagen K

Phone: (+45) 35 32 96 70
E-mail: eskimologi [at]