
New Books Available and Call for Submissions
Aboriginal Issues Press
University of Manitoba

For further information, please go to:

New titles from Aboriginal Issues Press include:
- Seeing the World with Aboriginal Eyes
- Gambling and Problem Gambling in First Nations Communities
- Aboriginal Cultural Landscapes
- Working with Aboriginal Elders
- Coats of Eider

Information on ordering these books is available online at:

Additionally, Aboriginal Issues Press seeks submissions for "People and
Environmental Change: The Next Step" -- a refereed book that will
explore ways of coping with environmental change. Sections include:
1. Human Impact of Climate/Environmental Change
2. Local/Traditional and Scientific Knowledge Linkages
3. Adapting and/or Addressing Climate/Environmental Change

Submissions could cover:
- Environmental change in the physical and biological systems of Hudson
- The impact of environmental change in the Hudson Bay region on
people's food, shelter, lifestyle, health, economy, culture, land
claims, and tourism.
- Addressing the steps that should be taken by individuals,
organizations, and communities to minimize the effects of, cope with, or
adapt to environmental change.

"People and Environmental Change" is published by the University of
Manitoba Aboriginal Issues Press and ArcticNet Theme 3.

Abstracts are due Tuesday, 1 November 2005 and papers due Thursday, 1
December 2005. Please send submissions to:
riewerr [at]

A guide for authors is available from:
aboriginal-issues-press [at]