
New Book Available Soon
"Fishery Co-Management: A Practical Handbook"
By: R.S. Pomeroy and R. Rivera-Guieb
288 Pages
Price: $65 USD

For further information or to preorder the book online, please click below:…

"Fishery Co-Management: A Practical Handbook" will be available in
November 2005 and can be preordered online below:…

This handbook will be of significant interest to resource managers,
practitioners, academics, and students interested in small-scale

During the last decade, there has been a shift in the governance and
management of fisheries to a broader approach that recognizes the
participation of fishers, local stewardship, and shared decision-making.
Through this process, fishers are empowered to become active members of
the management team, balancing rights and responsibilities, and working
in partnership with government. This approach is called co-management.

This handbook describes the process of community based co-management
from beginning, through implementation, to turnover to the community. It
provides ideas, methods, techniques, activities, checklists, examples,
questions, and indicators for planning and implementing a process of
community based co-management. It focuses on small-scale fisheries
(freshwater, floodplain, estuarine, or marine) in developing countries,
but is also relevant to small-scale fisheries in developed countries and
to the management of other coastal resources.