
Call for Applications
Support for Fieldwork
Abisko Scientific Research Station

Application Deadlines:
Winter/Spring Research - 1 December 2005
Summer Research - 1 March 2006

For further information about the Abisko Scientific Research Station and
this opportunity, please go to:

The Abisko Scientific Research Station has received the EU-grant "Access
To Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station" (ATANS) within the EU
Transnational Access Programme (FP6 Contract N 506004, for the period
2005-2009. This grant will financially support travel and accommodation
costs at the Abisko Station for about 35 visiting scientists spending on
average one month each for the four years. In practice, the duration of
stay will vary according to individual project needs, and it is possible
for intended users to apply for a short research planning visit to

The objective of Transnational Access is "to sponsor new opportunities
for research teams (including individual researchers) to obtain access
to individual major research infrastructures they require for their
work." The characteristics of such infrastructures are that they must be
rare in Europe, must provide a world-class service essential for the
conduct of top quality research, and must typically have investment or
operating costs that are relatively high in relation to those costs in
their particular field. The infrastructures must also be able to provide
adequate scientific, technical, and logistic support to external,
particularly first-time, users. The Abisko Scientific Research Station
meets these criteria.

Grants are open to applications from scientists in EU-countries outside
Sweden as well as scientists from Associated States. Proposals are
invited from established researchers and young researchers. Applications
from Ph.D. students will also be considered.

Proposals relating to research on the natural environment (geosphere,
biosphere, hydrosphere, and cryosphere) of the Abisko area will be
considered and some specific scientific areas are particularly
encouraged, including:
- New, innovative projects
- Projects that strengthen existing research groups and activities
- Projects that integrate or link existing research groups, for example
within IPY
- Projects lead by scientists from new EU-member states
- Projects that focus on environmental processes during winter
- Projects by first-time users and research groups
- Projects by users in countries without infrastructures similar to that
at Abisko

For further information about the Abisko Scientific Research Station and
this opportunity, please go to: