
Draft Science Strategy Available for Review
North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI)

For further information, please go to:

The draft NSSI Science Strategy is available for review at The document is found in the NSSI section
under "Science Strategy." Please understand that this is a working draft
and will be modified over time as circumstances dictate. It is not
intended to be a "blue print" for research, inventory, and monitoring
activities on the North Slope. Rather, it is an overall framework which
will serve to guide the development of research, inventory, and
monitoring activities on the North Slope. An implementation plan,
currently in the drafting stage, will provide specifics to guide
identification and implementation of scientific activities that will
support resource-management decisions.

The primary audience for this science strategy is the NSSI Executive
Director and Oversight Group, but it also provides important direction
and context for the NSSI Science Technical Group, members of the public,
and other stakeholders. Comments on this draft are welcome and should be
sent to the NSSI Executive Director:
Kenton Taylor
E-mail: kenton_taylor [at]

Additionally, the announcement is out for nomination to the Science
Technical Group of the North Slope Science Initiative. Please read the
announcement on the NSSI website. The deadline for nominations is
Thursday, 27 October 2005.