
Positions Available
British Antarctic Survey

Satellite Oceanographer/Meteorologist
Application Deadline: Wednesday, 26 October 2005

Meteorologist - Air/Sea/Ice Fluxes
Application Deadline: Friday, 28 October 2005

For further information, please go to:

There are two posts currently being advertised by the British Antarctic
Survey (BAS) that may be of interest to sea ice specialists:
Satellite Oceanographer/Meteorologist
Meteorologist - Air/Sea/Ice Fluxes

These openings fall within the Forcings from the Ocean, Clouds,
Atmosphere, and Sea-ice (FOCAS) project that forms part of the Antarctic
Climate in the Earth System (ACES) programme. FOCAS is a five-year
project that will investigate regional- and meso-scale processes around
Antarctica with the aim of understanding how these shape the regional
coupled climate system.

For further information, please go to: