
New Website Available
"All About Sea Ice"
National Snow and Ice Data Center

The website is available at:

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is proud to announce the
release of a new website, "All About Sea Ice." The site is designed as
an introduction to sea ice: what it is, how it forms, how it is studied,
how it affected historical expeditions in the polar regions, and what
role it plays in the global climate. The site contains over 80 pages of
information on sea ice, including a glossary of sea ice terms and
references to more information.

The primary focus of the site is as a resource for the general public,
educators, and students in middle school and above. However, it may also
be useful to researchers as a source of imagery, sample data,
references, and basic information.

With the decline in arctic summer sea ice recently in the news
( and other
changes in the polar regions
understanding of sea ice is particularly important.

The "All About Sea Ice" website is a new addition to NSIDC's resources
on The Cryosphere (, which includes:

All About Glaciers (
All About Snow, Avalanches, and Blizzards (
Arctic Climatology and Meteorology Primer (
Cryosphere FAQ (
State of the Cryosphere (

If you have any questions or comments about these sites, please contact
NSIDC User Services at nsidc [at]

The National Snow and Ice Data Center is a part of the Cooperative
Institute for Research in Environmental Studies at the University of
Colorado, Boulder.