
Call for Abstracts
International Glaciological Society (IGS) Nordic Branch Meeting
3-5 November 2005
Copenhagen, Denmark

Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, 21 October 2005

For further information, please go to:

You are hereby invited to submit an abstract for the annual meeting of
the Nordic Branch of the International Glaciological Society that will
be held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 3-5 November 2005.

The IGS Nordic Branch Meeting will provide an informal venue for Nordic
based glaciologists and glaciology students to present their latest
results and projects. The meeting also aims to stimulate discussion and
networking among the participants. Students and young researchers are
especially encouraged to present their work.

The final abstract submission deadline is Friday, 21 October, but
contributors are encouraged to submit as early as possible to help the

If more abstracts are received than it is possible to accommodate,
emphasis will be on providing a balance of presentations from students,
younger researchers, and established researchers, respectively.

If you wish to give a presentation, please submit the following
information to Andreas Ahlstrom (aa [at]
1. Title
2. Author list, pointing out who will give the talk
3. Affiliation of authors
4. Abstract outlining the contents of the presentation

Further abstract submission specifics are available on the meeting

Organizing Committee:
Andreas Ahlstrom, Technical University of Denmark
Birger Ulf Hansen, University of Copenhagen
Carl Egede Boggild, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland