
Database Available Online
Nunavut Environmental Database (NED)
Nunavut Planning Commission
Arctic Institute of North America

The database is available online at:

The Nunavut Environmental Database (NED) now contains descriptions of
more than 18,700 publications and research projects about the Canadian
territory of Nunavut and adjacent marine areas. NED covers all subjects,
not just the environment.

NED describes publications of all types, from government reports to
academic research papers. There are now 1,200 NED records that provide
links to PDFs of publications, using Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)
or URLs. NED also describes all research projects conducted in Nunavut
since 1990, based on research licence information collected by the
Nunavut Research Institute, the Nunavut Department of Environment, the
Nunavut Department of Culture, Language, Elders and Youth, and the
Central and Arctic Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

NED is produced for the Nunavut Planning Commission by the Arctic
Science and Technology Information System (ASTIS) at the Arctic
Institute of North America, University of Calgary.

For further information or to comment, please contact:
Ross Goodwin
Arctic Science and Technology Information System
Arctic Institute of North America
E-mail: rgoodwin [at]