
Call for Nominations
North Slope Science Technical Group
Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Nomination Deadline: Thursday, 27 October 2005

For further information, please go to:

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is calling for nominations to the
North Slope Science Initiative, Science Technical Group. The North Slope
Science Oversight Group is seeking qualified individuals to fill up to
15 science advisory memberships in the following scientific disciplines:
expertise in North Slope traditional and local knowledge, landscape
ecology, petroleum engineering, civil engineering, petroleum geology,
botany, hydrology, limnology, habitat biology, wildlife biology, marine
ecology, biometrics, sociology, cultural anthropology, economics,
ornithology, oceanography, fisheries biology, and climatology.

The North Slope Science Initiative, Science Technical Group provides
advice and recommendations to the North Slope Science Oversight Group
regarding priority needs for management decisions across the North Slope
of Alaska. These priority needs may include recommendations on
inventory, monitoring, and research activities that lead to informed
land management decisions. Members may serve terms of one to three-years
and may be reappointed for consecutive terms. Science Technical Group
members serve without salary, but are reimbursed for travel expenses.

Nominations to the Science Technical Group may be received from
government agencies, Alaska Native communities, academia, private
organizations, industry, environmental groups, or the public that have
proven records in regards to science and resource management on the
North Slope of Alaska. Individuals may nominate themselves or others.
Nominees should have appropriate background and experience to provide
informed, objective advice, within their disciplines, and be willing to
work interdisciplinary on a broad array of inventory, monitoring, and
research pertaining to the North Slope of Alaska.

A nomination packet may be requested from:
Ken Taylor
Executive Director
North Slope Science Initiative
Phone: 908-271-3131

or go to:

All nominations must be accompanied by letters of reference, as
described in the nomination packet, or website. Nominations will be
accepted until Thursday, 27 October 2005. Final selection will be made
by the Secretary of Interior and appointments become effective 1 March