
New Volume Available
Global and Planetary Change
Arctic Siberian Shelf Environments
Volume 48, Issues 1-3, Pages 1-252 (September 2005)
Edited By: Henning Bauch and Heidemarie Kassens

For abstracts and author contact information or to purchase the complete
articles, please click below:

For those of you interested in recent and past changes in the Arctic,
there is a new compilation of original papers just released and
published in the journal "Global and Planetary Change". The 14
manuscripts within this volume cover a wide range of process studies on
different time scales, identifying the Siberian shelves as a key area in
the Arctic where environmental change shows a tremendously high impact.

The contents include:

Arctic Siberian shelf environments - An introduction
Henning A. Bauch and Heidemarie Kassens

Impact of flaw polynyas on the hydrography of the Laptev Sea
Igor A. Dmitrenko, Konstantin N. Tyshko, Sergey A. Kirillov, Hajo
Eicken, Jens A. Holemann, and Heidemarie Kassens

Spatial and temporal variability of sea ice in the Laptev Sea: Analyses
and review of satellite passive-microwave data and model results, 1979
to 2002
J. Bareiss and K. Gorgen

Zonation of the Laptev Sea landfast ice cover and its importance in a
frozen estuary
H. Eicken, I. Dmitrenko, K. Tyshko, A. Darovskikh, W. Dierking,
U. Blahak, J. Groves, and H. Kassens

Long-term annual water balance analysis of the Lena River
Sveta Berezovskaya, Daqing Yang, and Larry Hinzman

Long-term open-water season stream temperature variations and changes
over Lena River Basin in Siberia
Baozhong Liu, Daqing Yang, Baisheng Ye, and Svetlana Berezovskaya

Seasonal variability of trace metals in the Lena River and the
southeastern Laptev Sea: Impact of the spring freshet
J.A. Holemann, M. Schirmacher and A. Prange

Seasonal variations in arctic sediment dynamics - Evidence from 1-year
records in the Laptev Sea (Siberian Arctic)
C. Wegner, J.A. Holemann, I. Dmitrenko, S. Kirillov, and H. Kassens

A 12-year study of the seasonal and interannual dynamics of
mesozooplankton in the Laptev Sea: Significance of salinity regime and
life cycle patterns
E. Abramova and K. Tuschling

Water mass processes on arctic shelves as revealed from d18O of H2O
D. Bauch, H. Erlenkeuser, and N. Andersen

Linkage of arctic atmospheric circulation and Siberian shelf
hydrography: A proxy validation using d18O records of bivalve shells
Thomas Muller-Lupp and Henning Bauch

History of freshwater runoff across the Laptev Sea (arctic) during the
last deglaciation
Robert F. Spielhagen, Helmut Erlenkeuser, and Christine Siegert

Early to middle Holocene changes in Laptev Sea water masses deduced from
diatom and aquatic palynomorph assemblages
Ye.I. Polyakova, H.A. Bauch, and T.S. Klyuvitkina

Last postglacial environmental evolution of the Laptev Sea shelf as
reflected in molluscan, ostracodal, and foraminiferal faunas
E. Taldenkova, H.A. Bauch, A. Stepanova, S. Dem'yankov, and A. Ovsepyan

For abstracts and author contact information or to purchase the complete
articles, please click below: